Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Krista!

Well, it's official... Krista is now 15! You know your kids must be getting older when friends are blown away to hear your oldest is 15. Wait a minute... that actually makes ME feel older! :-)
She had been wanting Benny & June on DVD especially since I guess I deleted the movie off the DVR at home. Oops

Grandpa Adams made good use of his spare time inbetween his bus travels the past number of months. He made this sweet latch-hook picture of dogs for the dog-loving Krista.

Okay, so many years ago (in the early 1980's) I invented the whole "Gift Bag" craze. Really! I did! Instead of finding boxes, tape, wrapping paper and wrapping the gift, I'd simply leave the gift in the bag it came in from the store. Now they actually SELL these little "Gift Bags". I'll admit, they're a little nicer now than the brown sacks I'd get at Osco Drug... but mine got the job done. Now, I'm starting a new craze... stick the gift in the trunk of the car! The only catch with this is --> you DON'T get to keep the car! Here Krista is discovering the matching night stand for her room that she'd had her eye on in the IKEA catalog. Sure is nice having our own IKEA store in town!

Happy Birthday Krista! I Love You!

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1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Let me know if you ever feel like sending Krista up here to take a Benny and Joon tour. I've got the inside scoop. :)