Sunday, September 28, 2008

An Afternoon At Burt's Alpaca Farm

There's just no substitute for the smell of a farm... Mmmm... Close your eyes, can you smell it? Actually, this farm smelled pretty good, and the alpacas were pretty fun to feed and pet. We learned alot about alpacas today... their fleece, registering them, when they came to the states... it was a very cool field trip!

Here's Burt overseeing the feeding. Burt ownes the farm and is a regular at our coffee shop. He invited us over today to visit. Thanks Burt! We had a blast!

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Jesus Is My Friend...

Um... okay, I really don't know WHAT to say about this video other than my sister, Jeannette, forwarded this to me. Don't expect to hear this on ANY radio station ANY time soon!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome Home...

After being in the body repair shop for over a month, it's nice to have the old Subaru back home with a nice new shiny paint job, and no sign of having colliding with a bicyclist! The guys at "A Master Touch" in Portland did a fantastic job. Now I'm on the hunt for a set of wheels and tires from a Subaru WRX... as nice as the car looks, the wheels and tires sure look old and tired.

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This past Saturday, Shauna and I got to spend the day with our friends Kevin and Kristi who drove up for the day from Boise! We drove down to Eugene for the Ducks vs. Broncos game. We were all decked out in our Boise State attire and we were pleasantly surprised at how welcoming the Ducks were to us Broncos... even AFTER WE BEAT THEM!
Upon returning home from being gone for 12 hours, we were welcomed with this cake tribute to the Boise State win from our daughter Krista. What a great kid!
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Missing A Friend...

Lee Schafer
Apr 14, 1946 - Sep 9, 2008

Yesterday morning, my good friend Lee Schafer suffered a heart attack that eventually took his life today around 10:30am. Lee started out as my boss giving me my first job in radio. He was the one who took a chance on a 16 year old kid who was anxious to get into the business. He was a careful business man and had a heart for God and spreading the Word through broadcasting. We had many days filled with laughter and the occasional Chicago Connection Pizza. One of my favorite memories was when the station's program director prank called Lee from down the hall... when Lee realized the goofball calling him was just down the hall, he RAN down the hall and literally climbed over the PD's desk to take him down. That same PD had water poured on the front of his pants in retaliation by Lee while he was laying on his back to fix some wiring under the counter in the control room. Lee's sense of humor was awesome, and his heart for God and service to the church even more so. I can't imagine KSPD and KBXL without Lee there, but I know God wouldn't have called him home if the operation wasn't in great hands... the rest of his family.

I will miss you, Lee... but I rest in the promise that we will see each other again. Being in heaven with Jesus is better by far.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

From a random email...

Okay, this was one of those dumb emails that gets spammed around the world... but it was the first time I'd seen it. Actually, I hit the DELETE button on 99.9% of the junk that comes my way, but for what ever reason I looked at this one. I actually found myself reading it out loud with no problem at all.

See if you can too... good luck.


Only great minds can read this... This is weird, but interesting!
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe . Azanmig huh?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Walkin' to School...

As I pulled out of the hood this morning on my daily commute I found Shauna walking to school with Megan.
Aren't they cute?

Savoring the final weeks of summer before the rain arrives for the Fall, Winter... and Spring!

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Wow... I can't say enough about the guys at "A Master Touch" Autobody and Paint in Portland! I stopped in this morning just to see if they were closer to getting it painted, and found THIS!
All painted up... all the dings GONE, and all that's left is a little wet sanding and a full buffing. Thanks Kelly and Willie! Job well done!

If you missed WHY the car had to be fixed... click here and you'll find the pics AFTER I hit a bicyclist at 40 MPH.
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008


AND.... They're OFF!
Here it is, our yearly "Stand at the front door" first day of school picture!
We're happy to report, the teachers survived the day.
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Happy Birthday Krista!

Well, it's official... Krista is now 15! You know your kids must be getting older when friends are blown away to hear your oldest is 15. Wait a minute... that actually makes ME feel older! :-)
She had been wanting Benny & June on DVD especially since I guess I deleted the movie off the DVR at home. Oops

Grandpa Adams made good use of his spare time inbetween his bus travels the past number of months. He made this sweet latch-hook picture of dogs for the dog-loving Krista.

Okay, so many years ago (in the early 1980's) I invented the whole "Gift Bag" craze. Really! I did! Instead of finding boxes, tape, wrapping paper and wrapping the gift, I'd simply leave the gift in the bag it came in from the store. Now they actually SELL these little "Gift Bags". I'll admit, they're a little nicer now than the brown sacks I'd get at Osco Drug... but mine got the job done. Now, I'm starting a new craze... stick the gift in the trunk of the car! The only catch with this is --> you DON'T get to keep the car! Here Krista is discovering the matching night stand for her room that she'd had her eye on in the IKEA catalog. Sure is nice having our own IKEA store in town!

Happy Birthday Krista! I Love You!

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"In A World..." without Don LaFontaine

One of the greatest voices of our time has gone silent. You might recognize Don from a recent Geico television commercial, but you generally never saw the man... you've only heard his voice on thousands of movie trailers and television promos. He was only 68 years old when he died Monday.

This is a great video piece on him...