Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Time Stands Still

When I was much younger I was interested in photography (just in case the radio thing didn't work out) so I love my new camera that I bought last year. I hardly grab my old Pentax K1000 anymore... my trusty tried and true 100% manual 35mm workhorse I've had since my sophomore year at Meridian High School. There's something awesome about being able to instantly see if you've shot a decent picture with the new digital format. If its bad, no biggie... just delete it and try again till you get the shot you want.

Last Summer we vacationed in Boise. We usually make a trip there every year. While we were there, I took my new digital camera out for a spin. Here's some shots I took of the Augustana Chapel in Boise. This is where Immanuel Lutheran Church met before they built the newer, larger building they're in now next door. I used to love to just stand inside this building and imagine what it was like in the early 1900's when the building was new and Boise was much smaller. Construction was started in May of 1908 and was finally completed and dedicated in September of 1915. I used to go knock on the cornerstone and imagine what important stuff they may have put in there.

If you ever find yourself in Boise, head to the corner of 7th and Fort Streets and see it for yourself. It hasn't changed much over the nearly 100 years its been standing.

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Larisa said...

What kind of camera did you get? I have a Fujijilm Finepix S6000 that Paul got me for my birthday last year. I like it a lot.

Dave said...

Its a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-H7/B...
