Saturday, February 2, 2008

Happy Groundhog SNOW Day!!!

Well, it's official. Punxsutawney Phil did indeed see his shadow today and has forecast 6 more weeks of winter. To prove good old "P-Phil" right, I snapped these pics just moments ago! The snow is coming down hard... the most we've had in our hood all year. Mom's happy its a Saturday to see me HOME to enjoy it, and also that its not coming on a day that would cause yet another school closure. I best be gettin' off the computer to go watch the neighborhood come to life with children. As I look out the window, Megan is on her back making snow angels... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET! Don't worry, our street gets VERY little traffic. :-)

1 comment:

rhonniegirl said...

This looks awesome... I miss snowy winters. You're doing great with keeping the blog up to date. Well done Homeslice.