Friday, February 1, 2008


I don't know how she does it, but this woman is a wife, a mom, a house cleaner, cook, and helps run our coffee house all at the same time. Putting up with me for the past 18+ years should fetch her some great reward, for sure. Tonight she and Krista are having a fun night shopping at the Lloyd Center Mall in Portland. Hmmm... and today was payday. Coincidence? I think not.

We had a blast at Shauna's 20 year reunion last year. Here she is with Debbie who she grew up with since grade school, who was also a bridesmaid in our wedding, and now lives close by us here in Oregon. It was said they were inseperable in school and now 500 miles from Boise, they're still close... and not just in proximity!

Sometimes you just need a break, right? No husband, no kids, plus two awesome girlfriends from Boise and one mai tai... sounds like the ultimate break to me! Um honey? Forget the sunblock again???
Shauna and Janice
Shauna and Lisa

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